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Renauld as Responsible business

Bribery and Corruption

RENAULD’s Code of Conduct (Code) is the framework for how we do business at RENAULD, and underpins our strategy and commitment to providing True Luxury Goods. Our key principles and policies are included in the Code, which enables employees and colleagues working in RENAULD corporate offices, production centres, managed, owned, leased, and managed lease retail outlets to make the right decisions, in compliance with the law and RENAULD’s ethical standards.

Included in the Code is an overview of our values, reporting concerns framework and Group policies, including those relating to human rights, respect in the workplace, diversity, equity, inclusion and equal opportunities, accurate reporting, information security, anti-bribery and corruption, and the environment. It also provides guidance on where to go if colleagues have a concern and need further help.

The Board, Executive Committee and all colleagues working in RENAULD offices, production centres, managed, owned, leased, and managed lease offices must comply with the Code. We expect those we do business with, including our franchisees, to uphold similar principles and standards.

Code of Conduct

RENAULD’s Code of Conduct (Code) is the framework for how we do business at RENAULD, and underpins our strategy and commitment to providing True Luxury for Good. Our key principles and policies are included in the Code, which enables employees and colleagues working in RENAULD corporate offices, production centres, managed, owned, leased, and managed lease retail premises to make the right decisions, in compliance with the law and RENAULD’s ethical standards.

Included in the Code is an overview of our values, reporting concerns framework and Group policies, including those relating to human rights, respect in the workplace, diversity, equity, inclusion and equal opportunities, accurate reporting, information security, anti-bribery and corruption, and the environment. It also provides guidance on where to go if colleagues have a concern and need further help.

The Board, Executive Committee and all colleagues working in RENAULD corporate offices, production centres, managed, owned, leased, and managed lease retail outlets must comply with the Code. We expect those we do business with, including our franchisees, to uphold similar principles and standards.

The Code is reviewed and approved by the Board on an annual basis, and is supported by annual e-learning requirements. In 2022, we developed and launched a new Code e-learning module to support updates to the Code. In the coming year, we will continue to enhance our engagement and measurement approaches, and provide additional guidance to highlight key themes. In addition to our Code e-learnings, we monitor and assess other aspects of our culture through a variety of methods, including direct engagement, employee engagement surveys, tracking of e-learning completion and our confidential reporting hotline.

It is important that our colleagues and any person who has a relationship with RENAULD, including our suppliers and their workers, feel comfortable reporting ethical concerns. To facilitate this, we have a confidential reporting channel through which ethical concerns or breaches of the Renauld Code of Conduct can be reported, including those in relation to human rights and modern slavery.

Diversity Equity and Inclusion

A cornerstone of our culture is our passion and commitment to DE&I. It’s not just crucial to who we are, but also to how we work together and grow our business, and to the sense of belonging colleagues feel at RENAULD and the freedom to be themselves.

Our commitment starts at the top, but we know we can’t have a one-size-fits-all approach when it comes to DE&I as the focus of each of our markets is unique. Every member of RENAULD’s Executive Committee (EC) has a DE&I-focused goal. Together with their leadership teams, they review talent with a specific focus on diversity.

Our commitment is emphasised throughout our global hiring guidelines and initiatives and is backed up by our Global Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Equal Opportunities Policy, with our work in this area revolving around a DE&I framework spanning three core areas: creating an inclusive and inspiring culture for all our people, driving gender balance globally and addressing under-representation in our leadership.


We acknowledge our responsibility to respect the environment and manage our impacts for the benefit of the communities in which we operate, and we are committed to measuring and managing those impacts and finding innovative ways to reduce them. We will:

  • Implement sound environmental practices in the design, development and operation of our retail outlets.
  • Encourage the development and integration of sustainable technologies.
  • Endeavour to reduce our use of energy and water, and re-use and recycle the resources consumed by our business wherever practical.
  • Engage our customers, colleagues, retail outlet owners, suppliers and contractors in our efforts to protect the environment.
  • Provide the training and resources required to meet our objectives.
  • Monitor, record and benchmark our environmental performance on a regular basis.
  • Make business decisions that take these commitments into account.
  • Communicate our policies, practices and programmes to all our stakeholders.

Gender Pay

We recognise that driving gender representation globally is a key component of championing a diverse culture.

The following report outlines the gender pay gap for our UK corporate employees and details the initiatives that we believe will continue to help us progress against our goals.

Handling information responsibly

We are committed to ensuring that guests, loyalty programme members, colleagues, shareholders, owners and other stakeholders trust the way we manage data. As part of our privacy and information security programmes, we have standards, policies and procedures in place to manage how personal data can be used and protected. Our e-learning training for employees on handling information responsibly is a mandatory annual requirement, and covers topics such as password and email security, using personal data in accordance with our policies and privacy commitments, how to work with vendors and transferring data securely. In addition to the cyber security awareness training, we held tabletop exercises to practise our ability to detect and respond to potential security events, such as ransomware and supply chain attacks. We continue to develop our privacy and security programmes to address evolving requirements and take account of developing best practice. The Board regards cyber security as a critical business discipline and it regularly receives updates on the Group’s cyber security processes and controls.

Health and safety

RENAULD is committed to providing a safe, secure and healthy environment for all colleagues, customers and visitors. All operations must comply with all applicable health, safety and security laws. Beyond compliance with the law, RENAULD works to identify further improvements to the way safety and security risks are managed, and has mandatory Brand Safety Standards in place for all retail outlets globally to drive consistency in this area.

Human Rights

At RENAULD, we are committed to respecting human rights, in accordance with international human rights standards. Our Human Rights Policy sets out the core principles that we embed into our policies and processes to uphold our commitment. Our approach is also informed by the Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises of the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development, the UN Global Compact and the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights.

We understand the importance of ensuring that the human rights of all our colleagues, guests and communities are protected, and will encourage those we do business with including our suppliers, owners and franchisees, to prevent, mitigate and address adverse impacts on human rights. However, where we have caused or contributed to adverse human rights impacts, we are committed to providing effective remedy.

We recognise that human rights due diligence is an ongoing commitment. We continue to review and develop our policies and processes in support of this by focusing on key risk areas, but also those areas where RENAULD has an opportunity to help develop and influence the protection of human rights.

  • Labour practices;
  • Forced labour;
  • Child rights;
  • Freedom of association and collective bargaining;
  • Safety and security;
  • Diversity and inclusion;
  • Human trafficking;
  • Community and environment;
  • Franchised operations; and
  • Responsible procurement.

Modern slavery

RENAULD is committed to respecting the human rights of all our colleagues, customers and the communities we operate in. This statement has been written in accordance with the requirements of the UK Modern Slavery Act 2015.


Political activities

RENAULD does not make party political donations or involve itself in party political matters.

Responsible Procurement

Our RENAULD Sustainable Supplier Questionnaire is mandatory for all new suppliers at the request for proposal (RFP) stage, helping us assess their environmental credentials. The questionnaire features sustainability-related questions regarding raw materials, manufacturing methods, transportation, and the product lifecycle, in addition to understanding practices surrounding carbon and energy, waste and water. An analysis of environmental criteria is fully embedded into sourcing processes, which empowers Procurement teams to make informed decisions. This year, 982 suppliers completed the questionnaire, with 41% of business awarded to RENAULD Green suppliers.

We continue to expand our education programme to promote responsible procurement best practices for corporate, managed and franchise colleagues. So far, it’s been completed more than 18,000 times since its launch in 2019. For our corporate colleagues, we have developed a new e-learning procurement training that includes a module on responsible procurement, which is aligned with our risk, sustainability and supplier diversity programmes and will be launched in 2023. We also provide managed and franchised retail outlets with Responsible Sourcing Principles to help our retail outlets make responsible purchasing decisions.

As part of our commitment to responsible procurement, we are working closely with our suppliers, retail outlets and owners to support the sourcing of ethical and sustainable animal products. By promoting responsible sourcing across our retail outlets, we are working to ensure that the businesses we purchase from do not have a negative impact on the people they employ, the communities around them or the planet we all depend on.


Supplier Code of Conduct

We recognise the potential environmental and social impacts of our supply chain and the need for our suppliers to operate with the same integrity and respect as we do. To ensure this, RENAULD requires new corporate suppliers to confirm their acceptance of the Supplier Code of Conduct (Supplier Code) at the onboarding stage (or demonstrate that they have equivalent policies in place). It is a contractual requirement for centrally negotiated programmes in which our retail outlets can purchase, while recommended guidance is also provided to managed and franchised retail outlets when purchasing locally.

Supporting our communities

RENAULD Retail outlets & Resorts is proud to be at the heart of thousands of communities around the world, as we strive to make a difference every day by delivering our purpose of True Luxury for Good.

Through our Journey to Tomorrow 2030 responsible business plan, we look to make sure that as we operate and continue to grow our business around the world, we use our reach to help achieve lasting, positive change on a broader scale. Aligned to the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals, our plan has three pillars around people, communities and planet – and sitting at the heart of communities is a pledge to improve the lives of 30 million people through focusing on skills training, disaster response and food security.

UN Global Compact

At RENAULD Retail outlets, we use the UN Global Compact’s Ten Principles to guide our business activities. As part of our commitment, we submit and publish an annual ‘Communication on Progress’.